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Spice Up Your Workout!

Besides being a very entertaining and invigorating type of dancing, salsa is an excellent aerobic activity. It involves moves that increase your heart rate, improve the capacity of your lungs and heart, and help you burn calories so you can lose any extra pounds.

Usually, when we think of exercising, we think of working out at a gym, following a weightlifting regimen, or being outdoors playing a team sport. However, the American Heart Association and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have recommended dancing as an excellent aerobic exercise alternative that helps you maintain or achieve good health, and/or lose weight.

The word “salsa” means “dressing” in Spanish. However, this word also signifies a Caribbean musical style, which was created around the end of the 60s. It was developed by Cuban and Puerto Rican residents of New York. Salsa combines the traditional Latin American rhythms with elements of jazz and African music, and is therefore considered to be an Afro-Caribbean “fusion.”

Salsa dancing, practiced as an exercise, does the following:

• Burns around 400 and 500 calories per hour.
• Helps tone muscles in specific areas of the body, such as the legs, abdominals, and thighs.
• Improves your heart’s health and overall physical condition.
• Provides a healthy leisure time, which helps decrease stress and anxiety.
• Allows you to meet people and make new friends during your dancing lessons.
• Increases your agility and coordination.

If you try salsa dancing, you will probably no longer say exercising is tedious or boring. You may have just found the ideal exercise for you.  Salsa dancing will leave you feeling like celebrating and having a good time with your friends . . . while also giving you a workout at the same time!