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Exercise and Weight Control

Do you know why exercise is an important part of a weight loss program?

It is a proven fact that the combination of reducing calories along with maintaining a balance between exercise and diet produces a greater loss of body fat than just reducing calories. In addition, exercising increases muscle mass by gradually toning your body. This will result in a firmer and better-toned body. Undoubtedly, people who get regular exercise typically look and feel better about themselves.

Keep in mind that decreasing the percentage of body fat is just as, or more important than, losing weight.

For many overweight or obese people, exercising has an additional advantage. It helps control the appetite making it easier to lose weight.

Exercise can also help prevent the loss of calcium in bones. This is especially important for women, since they are more prone to develop osteoporosis. Exercise is also beneficial for general heart health, as well as keeping cholesterol levels and blood pressure normal. Regular exercise can also help decreases the risk of suffering from cardiovascular disease and stroke, and help prevent or control diabetes. Exercise facilitates the ability of our cells to make good use of our blood sugar.

In general, exercising significantly improves our quality of life which can be seen in even the simplest of things like getting from one place to another without getting tired, sleeping well, decreasing or eliminating stress, picking up our children without any problems or carrying in the groceries from the supermarket.

When does an activity become exercise?

An activity becomes exercise when it's maintained for a certain amount of time with the intention of gaining benefits. Thus, jumping rope, taking a walk, riding a stationary bike, playing with your kids, doing an aerobic workout or lifting weights at the gym, are all considered to be types of exercises.

Lastly, it's worth mentioning what many recent studies have confirmed: people who exercise regularly keep the extra weight off for more time than those who become inactive after losing those extra pounds.