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Weight Plateau Woes

When following a weight-loss program, people sometimes reach a point when they are not losing weight or have even gained weight. This is not uncommon, so don't worry if this happens to you. The following are tips to help you lower the numbers on the scale, and help avoid those frustrating plateaus or increases in weight:

Increase the amount, or change the type of physical activity you do.

Start by looking for simple ways to become more active. Just by becoming a bit more active each day, you will see the positive impact it has on the scale. Also, sometimes our bodies become accustomed to the exercises we are doing if we do them on a regular basis. Try to vary the types of exercises you do, so that your body is using different muscle groups.

Take responsibility for the calories you eat.

Eat healthy and keep track of what you eat in your journal. Sometimes we think we have eaten much less than we really have. If you forget a "handful of this," and a "bowl full of that," the calories can add up quickly.

Drink a lot of water.

The human body is made up of 50 to 75% water (approximately 10 to 12 gallons), so drinking enough water or other low-calorie beverages each day is essential to ensure that your body can carry out its necessary functions. If you are thirsty, that means you are probably already dehydrated. Drink up! Also note that the more you exercise, are exposed to the sun, or sweat for any other reason, the more fluids you will need. 

Season your food.

Use fresh herbs and spices to add flavor to your food without having to use salt. These flavors will please your taste buds and leave you feeling more satisfied.

Keep busy.

The less time you spend in the kitchen, buying groceries, or sitting on the couch, the less tempted you will be to eat.

Have fruit, vegetables and other low-calorie snacks at hand.

Eat small servings of food every 2 to 3 hours, and you will not be as hungry for your next meal.

Concentrate on achieving and maintaining good health and not on what your weight is.

Eat only what is good for you (you can splurge now and then on your favorite higher-calorie treat), and be active every day so your body stays strong and flexible.

Follow these recommendations and you will notice that it is much easier to lower the numbers on the scale.