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Ten Guilt-Free Ways to Eat Chocolate

Fascination with chocolate is not something new. In fact, this delicios substance originated on the American continent. The word “chocolate” comes from the Nahuatl term “xocolatl,” a cocoa-based preparation that used to be very popular among the Aztecs. Ever since those days, many myths and facts have surrounded this popular product.

Recent studies have suggested that pure cocoa as well as  dark chocolatehave many health benefits, thanks to their rich content of antioxidants—about 60% more than other kinds of chocolate—which are linked to cellular rejuvenation. But remember, the healthiest sources of antioxidants are fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grains, and even some kinds of meat and fish.

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Other research has linked chocolate consumption to an overall improvement of cardiovascular health, though final conclusions have not been established on this subject.

Arguably, one of the most popular myths about chocolate is related to its aphrodisiacal power. Although there are currently no scientific studies to confirm this, some people believe that the sweetness of chocolate stimulates the love encounter. Another myth is that chocolate produces acne. A study conducted by the University of Pennsylvania concluded that the combination of milk and cocoa may accelerate this process in the skin, but not chocolate by itself.  

To make a wise decision so that eating chocolate doesn’t jeopardize your efforts to  lose weight, avoid “grandma’s candies,” which are usually very high in calories. Here we provide you with a list of the most popular chocolates and  chocolate desserts in the country. We’ve chosen the healthiest, low-fat choices for you, with their respective caloric value:

  • 1 cup of strawberries with low-calorie chocolate syrup, 100 calories
  • 1/2 cup of low-fat chocolate yogurt, 100 calories
  • 10 chocolate-covered raisins, 100 calories
  • 1/2 cup of cocoa cereal, 60 calories
  • 2 small servings of mint chocolate, 100 calories
  • 1 cup of diet cocoa with a chocolate cookie, 80 calories
  • 1 low-calorie, chocolate flavor JELL-O pudding, 100 calories
  • 4 Hershey’s Kisses, 100 calories or less (depending on the type: milk, almonds or caramel)
  • 1 Nestlé Crunch bar, 220 calories
  • 1 Dove’s Smooth Milk Chocolate bar, 200 calories