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Advice from the Heart

“A full stomach makes for a happy heart,” is how the saying goes. But is it really true?

There is no doubt that eating is one of life’s great pleasures. We often eat huge quantities thinking that it's the only way to really feel satisfied.
What we forget is that by indulging in such excess, we may be damaging the noble organ that keeps us alive and that lets us know when we’re feeling happy or sad: our heart.

Today at MyDiet™, we want to give you a special gift from the heart. We want to share some menus with you that, in addition to being really tasty, are also good for you.

If you have a partner and you’re celebrating, then invite him/her to eat with you. If you’re on your own, then start treating yourself well. Your heart will thank you for it!

The best way to wake up: a good breakfast

Start your day off on the right foot. The hectic pace of modern life leaves us little time to eat. Take some time for yourself and spend a few minutes preparing a great breakfast, at least for today.

Use some creativity and replace those eggs and bacon with something far less greasy. For example, MyDiet™ suggests crepes d’amour.  This delicious, well-balanced, low-calorie meal is made with skim milk and cottage cheese.

A very special meal...

MyDiet™ recommends that you try one of these delicious, low-fat and nutritious meals today: Olive Turkey Bake, Baked Dijon Salmon, or Spicy Sirloin Stew. If you prefer something with faster prep times, try Moroccan Stew or Cajun Shrimp Fettuccini.

The final touch…

If we eat in moderation, we can occasionally treat ourselves to a rich dessert. Try the Red Berry Clafoutis.  If you want something fancier, try our Valentines Day recipe: Chocolate Cupid cake.

Lastly . . .

If you follow our advice, you will realize that eating healthily does not mean eating boring, tasteless meals. Eating healthily simply means opting for ingredients with less fat or fewer calories, eating smaller portions and enjoying what you eat.

Follow this advice and you’ll have a long, healthy life. You'll be grateful from the bottom of your heart.

*Nutritionist from the MyDiet™ Team, President of the Venezuelan Society of Nutritional Education