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Don't Let an Injury Slow You Down

Did you suffer an injury and now you think you have to wave goodbye to your exercise routine? Don't let that discourage you! Although it may seem impossible to exercise after an injury, you can actually still enjoy physical activity.

Prevention is better than regrets

Instead of having to consider your options after an injury, maybe it is better to dedicate some time to the prevention of sports injuries, which, unfortunately, are very common.

To prevent future injuries we recommend the following tips, among others:

  • Always stretch your muscles before exercising. After stretching, slowly start your exercise routine.
  • Do not exercise at a greater intensity than you are used to.
  • Don't lift more weights than your muscles are capable of lifting. Moderate workouts that last 30 to 45 minutes are more effective than those that last only a couple of minutes.
  • Make sure you are moderately sweating while working out. 
  • Maintain your heartbeats at a target heart rate, which is the number of beats per minute necessary to obtain the maximum benefits out of physical activity. To calculate it, use the following formula: Subtract your age from 220 then multiply the result by 60% and 85% (60% is your minimum heart rate and 85% is the maximum) or click here and MyDiet will help you calculate your target heart rate for exercising.

Getting up is most important

No matter how much you take the necessary precautions, at times you may still end up injuring yourself. However, injuries do not need to end your exercise routine.

Creating an exercise plan after an injury is a challenge for your body and for your creativity. Use the following recommendations as a guide, and be very careful not to make your injury worse or create new ones:

  • Consult your doctor before you start your plan.
  • Focus on using the muscles from the healthy parts of your body instead of trying to do your normal routine.
  • Work on your arms and the upper half of your body if you have an injury in your legs. For example, lift weights to strengthen your biceps, triceps, chest and back.  Abdominal exercises are also a great option.
  • Walk or do leg strengthening exercises if you have an injury in your arms.
  • Keep in mind that one of the best exercises for injured people is swimming because it does not involve applying a lot of weight or pressure on your body.

However, most importantly, stay motivated to exercise! Think about how your body, regardless of injuries, can be in excellent physical condition without ever having to push it too hard.

We wish you good luck and we hope you get well soon.

*Specialist in sports nutrition and physical activity at MyDiet™