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10 tips to Lose weight in the New Year

Are you ready to set out on a weight control plan? Is your New Year's resolution to lose weight?Well, you already have one of the essentials down: the will to make it happen. Now, you need to fill in the rest of the equation to obtain the results you're looking for and lose weight. However, your health should be your priority, more than your physical appearance.

People who manage to trim down and maintain a stable weight don't have a secret "magic formula"; rather they combine three basic elements: they follow a healthy diet, work out regularly, and have the support from those around them (loved ones, friends and support groups).

How to Start?

Push aside miracle diets and don't start exercising like crazy. You'll be successful if you change your lifestyle for good. Some positive changes are:

  1. To accomplish this, it's best to concentrate on your current weight and lifestyle instead of focusing so much on how you want to be in five months. It's easier to think about losing two kilos or a few pounds now, instead of focusing on your long-term weight goal.
  2. Get rid of all the canned, boxed, and packaged foods that are high in fat and calories.
  3. Go take a walk around the block after lunch. When it's hot outside, go to the pool and try to walk in the deep end or swim a few strokes.
  4. For example, stop eating desserts or make a simple vegetable salad with few, low-calorie ingredients instead of a salad drenched in fatty dressings.
  5. Little by little you'll notice the difference: If you lose 1 pound a week, by the end of the year you will have lost almost 52 pounds.
  6. Try doing more than one activity in order to fulfill your exercise quota.
  7. , for example: "Help me clear the table after dinner so I'm not tempted to eat the leftovers".
  8. If you crave pizza every once in a while, then eat it, but just a small slice.

Remember that continuously losing and gaining weight between diets won't help you maintain your weight. Leading a healthy and active lifestyle is necessary to control your weight. You'll only experience success if you change your lifestyle for good.
