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How to Choose a Bike for Your Child

People say once you learn to ride a bike, you never forget. However, what most don’t forget are the first meters on this two-wheeled vehicle that must be “tamed.”

Generally, it is the father who is responsible for teaching children how to ride their bike; but sometimes it’s the grandfather or siblings. The truth is, the first meters are fundamental to get over the fear and start riding. To do this, it is essential to use the right bike. If not, the challenge will become virtually impossible to achieve.

The American Academy of Pediatrics shares some suggestions for choosing a safe bike:

• Sit your child on the bike with his/her hands on the handlebars. The forefood or metatarsal should touch the floor.
• Have your child stand on the center of the bike. The child should stand with both feet, leaving an inch between the crotch and the bicycle bar.
• Older children should hold on easily and be able to use the brakes with strength.
• Never buy a bigger bike thinking your child will be able to use it when “he/she grows up.”

A Size for Each Height

Although, as suggested by the experts, it is best to make the purchase with the child so that he/she can “try” the bicycle; it can also be useful to have a previous idea of the right sizes before going shopping.
According to, in order to know the right bicycle size it’s best to measure the child from the crotch to the end of his/her trousers.

Wheel Size    Crotch to End of Trousers Length           Age

12 inches               14 to 17 inches                                    2 - 3
16 inches               18 to 21 inches                                   4 - 6
20 inches               22 to 25 inches                                   7 - 8
24 inches               26 inches or more                               9 or more

How to Choose a Bike for Your Child

Incorporating physical activity into the lives of children is the best thing you can do for them. In addition to toning up their muscles, exercise helps to: combat obesity, reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, regulate sleep, and strengthen self-esteem.

But the most important thing is exercise can become a great time to share with the family and discover new, “hidden” places that can only be accessed by bike. Who doesn’t remember those secret places as a child? If the answer is no, you’re still on time!

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