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Avoid Weight Gain During the Summer

Summer is near, time to show off your figure and enjoy the sun. But, sometimes, summer can be a season in which we change our eating habits and gain some extra pounds if we’re not careful. Read on and find out how you can enjoy the season while avoiding those extra pounds.
- Watch what you drink.Make sure you don’t get calories from beverages. Choose drinks and beverages without added sugar, like water or diet drinks and sodas. If in doubt, look at the nutrition label and verify the product has 0 calories and 0 grams of sugar.

- Choose your ice cream wisely.An ice cream can be so refreshing during summer days! But choose carefully so you don’t eat a “calorie bomb.” Choose a light ice cream or make your own ice creams by freezing your favorite sugar-free beverage. Another healthy choice is a fat-free yogurt ice-cream, which you can count as a serving of milk.

- Chill out with cold fruit.A healthy and refreshing choice for the summer is fresh fruit. Freeze fruit cubes and have them as a healthy snack, instead of nachos, chips, or other high-fat, high-calorie treats.

- It’s salad time!During cold seasons, the body “asks us” to eat cooked vegetables or soups, but summer is the ideal time to prepare delicious, fresh salads. Treat yourself and combine different ingredients: lettuce, spinach, tomatoes, carrots, cucumber, bell peppers, and low fat cheese or ham, shredded chicken, or tuna. It can be a “one dish” lunch.

- With alcohol…  moderation is key.Alcoholic beverages give us many extra calories, and even more when they’re combined with other mixers or sodas. Cocktails or prepared drinks are higher in calories, so we recommend having moderation and choosing low-calorie mixers, like diet sodas.

-  Get active!Go out jogging along the beach, swimming, or doing different outdoor sports. Wear comfortable clothes and enjoy the weather to go out and get moving. Remember to use proper clothing and stay well hydrated before, during, and after exercising. It is also advisable to wear a cap and/or sunscreen.

Avoid Weight Gain During the Summer

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