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Celebrating Father's Day

Some holidays, such as Father's Day, represent an "avalanche" of calories that can sabotage your diet if you're caught unprepared. Follow these tips on how to make the right choices when celebrating Father's Day:

  • If you're planning a special dinner, think about your eating plans throughout the day. Try not to overdo it at breakfast and lunch so you can eat more peacefully at dinner. However, remember it's important not to skip meals or else you may be so hungry by the time dinner rolls around that all your efforts will be counterproductive. You can even eat a small mid-afternoon snack (such as fruit or a granola bar) in order to avoid being overly hungry at dinnertime, and to maintain your ability to make the right menu choices.
  • Plan ahead where you would like to dine. It's best to choose a restaurant with a diverse menu, that way you'll have more options to choose from.
  • At the restaurant, examine the menu options thoroughly and make sure to choose a dish that pleases your taste buds but is also low in calories. Usually, the words “fried,” “with cream,” “in butter,” “breaded” and “browned” indicate foods that are high in fat and calories. On the other hand, the words “roasted,” “barbecued,” “grilled,” “baked” and “blackened” indicate dishes made with less fat.
  • Ask for sauces and dressings on the side. This will help you better control the amount you use. In addition, try to add only what's needed to give your food some flavor.
  • Don't be tempted to order the biggest dishes! One regular or even small  serving size is usually more than enough to fill you up and satisfy your cravings for something delicious.
  • If you have the option of choosing from different side dishes, it's best to choose a salad, a vegetable soup or a baked potato instead of  french fries or chips.
  • Many times, having the bread basket in front of you can be risky. Eat one or two servings and move the basket away from you if you feel you can't resist.
  • If you're going to  make a toast, try to limit yourself to one or two drinks. Remember that drinks, especially alcoholic ones, are a significant source of "empty" calories given that they provide only calories and no nutrients.
  • It's ok to order your favorite dessert, but ask for extra forks so you can share it!
  • Look for starters with a lot of vegetables such as a fresh salad. That way, you'll obtain fiber, vitamins and minerals, and avoid overdoing it with more calorie-heavy dishes.
  • Eat slowly, chewing your food thoroughly and enjoying every bite. Give your brain time to receive the signal that your body is full so you don't overeat.

Follow these recommendations and you'll have just as much fun on Father's Day whether you’re the honored dad or the one celebrating with him. Remember that having a  healthy lifestyle means adopting new habits that will help you make the best choices when it comes to promoting health and well-being.

Celebrating Father's Day

MyDiet™ wishes you a happy Father's Day!

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