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An Anti-Axiety Diet

“Anxiety” is a very common word. Most of us can say we have felt this emotion during a job interview, an important test, or even a date. When this feeling begins to overwhelm you, and you starting feeling this way more frequently than usual, it could be a sign of an emotional disorder that could be reduced through a balanced diet.

Anxiety is a disorder that is characterized by ongoing feelings of distress, discouragement, and nervousness. Although it is primarily a mental disorder, it has an impact on a person’s physical well being as well. Anxiety can affect various organs in the body and may cause symptoms such as tachycardia (an abnormally fast heartbeat), stomachache, headache, diarrhea, or constipation.

An Anti-Axiety Diet

Experts have explained that anxiety can be controlled by avoiding these factors that make it worse:

An unbalanced diet A balance of carbohydrate, fat, protein, vitamins, and minerals, is necessary for adequate nervous system function.

Irregular meals
For example, if you only eat only two or three times a day, there is a significant gap between meals. This could leave you with an empty stomach, which could worsen feelings of anxiety.

Use of stimulants
Alcohol abuse, smoking, and the misuse of stimulants like caffeine and guarana could prevent relaxation and promote feelings of anxiety.

Lack of Rest
Getting enough sleep is essential to diminishing or preventing feelings of anxiety.

In addition to these important factors, your diet can be an important weapon to help decrease anxiety:

• Try to eat 5 or 6 meals per day, keeping regular meal times. It is also advisable to delay your meal time a few minutes after you start feeling hungry.
• Dedicate enough time to each meal, and make eating an organized process.
• Remove the serving dishes from the table after you have filled your plate.
• Avoid excessive talking around the table after the meals.
• Plan your menu ahead of time. This will reduce any concern about what to eat each day.
• Between meal times, get involved in activities that don’t allow eating simultaneously.
• Avoid stressful situations that may trigger anxiety and/or make you eat more than you should.

If you find yourself in one of those moments when you feel intense anxiety, take a deep breath, or go for a walk if you have the time. Getting your self-control back will help you stay on your diet, and will help your resist the first “comforting” treat.

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