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Watermelon is a summer ally. This fruit is so versatile that you can prepare it in different ways to refresh and nourish yourself, and most importantly, contribute to good health. Some of the benefits watermelon offers include: 

  • Helps keep you well hydrated because of its composition is 90% water.
  • Increases your fiber intake.
  • Increases the likelihood of meeting the daily recommended allowance of vitamins and minerals.
  • Could help preventing prostate, lung and digestive system cancer.
  • By choosing a piece of watermelon instead of a soda, or other foods high in fat, sugar and calories, you'll manage to stay in shape all summer long. 

The benefits of watermelon to our health come from a substance called lycopenewhich is found in this fruit and in tomatoes. Lycopene has antioxidant properties and it helps protect the body's cells from oxidative stress, and as a consequence, helps prevent aging, malformation or malfunctioning of cells. Thus, it could help prevent cancer, some cardiovascular diseases, and macular degeneration. Lycopene is also responsible for the intense red color of watermelon, which is what makes it so appealing. Other nutrients found in watermelon are vitamins A, B, and C. Furthermore, watermelon seeds are rich in vitamin E and can be eaten toasted.


Now that you know the benefits of watermelon, here are some tips on how to include it in your diet. 

  • Cut watermelon pieces (with the skin), freeze it and have a refreshing snack at any time of day.
  • Make watermelon balls and prepare kabobs or fruit salad.
  • Make a watermelon smoothie.
  • Add watermelon pieces to some lettuce leaves and drizzle it with balsamic vinegar.
  • Beat watermelon with a bit of water, pour it in small plastic cups, place an ice cream stick in each one, and prepare your own homemade ice cream.


1. Cousin, Pierre Jean; K. Hartvig. The Complete Guide to Nutritional Health. 1 sted.USA: Duncan Publishers, 2004.

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