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Foods that Nourish your Skin

Just as the eyes are the “mirror of the soul,” the skin can be the “mirror of your diet.” Keeping your skin smooth, young-looking and beautiful requires making good choices: eating the right foods and staying well hydrated.

The foods your skin needs to look beautiful contain two kinds of fats which are considered “good" for the body: monounsaturated and polyunsaturated. The first are found in avocados and olive oil. The second are present in sunflower seeds, dried fruits and fish--especially salmon, tuna, mackerel and halibut.

Foods that Nourish your Skin

Add foods to your diet that are rich in vitamins essential for the health of your skin.

For example, vitamin E is a strong antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals, which are the one of the causes of skin pigmentation problems. This vitamin is found in whole wheat germ cereals and in some greens.

The skin is constantly being renewed; we “shed” it every 28 days. It is estimated that a person produces around one hundred kilos of epidermal cells in a lifetime. This permanent renewal requires an adequate provision of nutrients because they are essential for the skin, and their deficiency leads to appearance and growth alterations. Therefore, a diet that guarantees the correct amounts of all these nutrients contributes to keeping the skin healthy and helps to reduce the emergence of wrinkles, maintaing the skin’s natural freshness.

Other nutrients, like vitamins A and C, are also important to the dynamics of your skin. Vitamin A is found in animal products, such as liver and dairy. Licopene, which is a main component of tomatoes, is an antioxidant that helps to rejuvenate the skin cells. It is also found in apples, watermelon and papaya.

The best way to provide your body with vitamin C—a strong antioxidant that plays an important role in the synthesis of collagen to keep the skin smooth and free of wrinkles—is by eating fruits, especially citric ones: tangerine, guava and strawberries; and fresh vegetables like bell peppers, tomatoes and cabbage.

Also in the “vitamin family,” B complex vitamins are important for cell-renewal processes. These can be found in vegetables, dried fruits, cereals, legumes and animal products, such as meats, fish, seafood, eggs and dairy. 

The necessary hydration for your body can be acquired through the regular consumption of water, both from the foods we eat and from mineral water. In most fruits and vegetables, water represents around 90 grams for each 100 grams of the product, which means a double benefit: hydration together with the provision of nutrients.

And don’t forget the “golden rule” of nutrition: drink about one liter of water each day to compensate for the losses and to maintain an adequate hydration level. This way, your skin will remain perfectly hydrated and it will be easier for your body to eliminate the toxins that could damage it.

In the list of enemies of your skin’s health, are the following: alcohol, fried foods, excessive hot beverages and highly seasoned foods.

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