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Choosing the Right Frozen Foods

One of the most diverse sections of the supermarket is the frozen food aisle.  We can even find yucca and fried bananas ready for boiling in hot water or frying in oil.

Vegetables, meats, desserts are attractive because of their low prices and fast cooking time.  These options are now widely available in our modern grocery stores, but we have to know how to choose the right ones. "Many of these foods are prepared with calories, fat, and sodium in mind," points out Yvonne Steinbring, nutrition specialist at the University of California. "They usually cost less than eating out."

Choosing the Right Frozen Foods

In order to help consumers compare the nutritional content of frozen foods, the American Institute for Cancer Research recommends keeping the following in mind when shopping:

  • Look for those with large amounts of vegetables. One frozen turkey dinner might come with mashed potatoes; but another brand may offer the same, but also include carrots and peas.
  • Brand names that sound healthier may include more vegetables and whole grains, but make sure they are among the first ingredients on the list.
  • Compare the nutritional information on the labels of different brands. Two meals may have the same foods, but one may contain more saturated fat and  sodium content.
  • Choose foods that have a maximum of 800 milligrams of sodium and 10-13 grams of fat for every 300-400 calories. This is equivalent to approximately 30% of calories from fat.
  • Accompany frozen meals with other healthy foods such as a salad or a cup of  vegetable soup. 

 Also, the key is to stay informed as the popularity of frozen foods increases. "The consumption of frozen foods is going to continue rising due to people's changing habits, although this may take time," predicted the market researcher Hector Pessah. The reasons why can be summarized in five points:

  • Women work and have less time for cooking.
  • Frozen foods make products available that would traditionally require more processing such as fish.
  • People increasingly tend to shop at supermarkets and less at mom and pop stores.
  • Microwaves, a frozen meal's ally, are more and more available.
  • A fridge without a freezer has become a product only found in flea markets.

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