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Farewell to Fat

Does going to the gym embarrass you? Do you feel too frumpy to put on workout clothes and give the treadmill a try?

Although many obese or overweight people feel embarrassed to participate in sports, they shouldn’t use this as an excuse not to give physical exercise a try, especially since exercise will help them lose weight and improve their general health.

Farewell to Fat

You don’t have to wait until you lose weight to start exercising. Start exercising now and you’ll lose weight more quickly.

Get thin

Your body works better at a reasonable weight. If you have excess weight, your heart, lungs and all your joints have to work more. If you weigh 20% more than your desired weight, you run the risk of developing chronic diseases or conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol levels, which in turn, increase your risk of suffering chest anginas, heart attacks and strokes.

In addition, constant excess weight puts pressure on your joints. As the years pass, this excess weight can cause osteoarthrosis from wearing down the cartilage.

Pick your exercise plan

Begin by choosing a physical activity that you like and can do without injuring yourself. Walking and swimming make excellent choices since they don’t demand too much effort on your back, hip, knee or ankle joints.

Don’t start your exercise plan by running. Each time your heel touches the floor, you put four to seven times the weight of your body on your heel. Begin walking, and as you lose weight, set a goal of running short distances.

Make the right start

If you are obese, you may tire quickly or suffer from other health problems. Start exercising slowly, and choose an exercise program that doesn’t leave you breathless. You don’t have to join a gym to reach your goal of getting thin, but if you think you need the help of someone to encourage you, such as a personal trainer, don’t think twice.

As your physical condition improves, try to do other activities. But keep in mind your own capacity, and don’t let others influence you.

Change your life with exercise

You’ll see that your health will begin improving from your very first exercise session. In no time you’ll realize that you can do continuous and vigorous exercise for longer periods of time without feeling tired or exhausted.

Try to combine your exercise with a balanced diet. Your figure and posture will improve noticeably. You don’t have to have a model’s figure. Instead, strive to have more agility, to look healthy, and to feel happier.

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